No fancy graphics today.
I spent the evening getting the “Owen” node hooked up to the higher-level “Owen” component. I decided to have this split from the beginning between the underlying graph nodes and the higher-level UI/game components. It has served me well so far, especially since a serialized Godot component is a huge mess. It’s amazing how much “stuff” it writes out.
Once I got the node hooked up and loading from the palette, I found some issues I had to fix, but it all went smoothly.
I have a Trello board with next steps. I need to add some more, as I know there is more than three things left to do. One will be to create some new levels with this component and make sure it serialized properly. I haven’t tried that yet. At least I have a plan for tomorrow. (Saturday! Yay!)

Hey, look! There was a graphic after all. That’s the editor component palette so far.